I am a Champion!

This speech was delivered at SOCOTECH Nursing Program, Agusan del Sur Capping and Badging Ceremonies 2012.

Have you once said to yourself, what if everything we want will come true? Imagine?! Having a house and car of your own? Getting the job that really suits your character while enjoying your time with your loved ones who are in good health. Perfect?! Possible or impossible?

There are some instances that we can really say to ourselves: “That can never happen! It’s gonna end up just a dream Anyway, Libre naman ang mangarap!” Right?

In this capping and badging ceremony, for sure the parents and candidates are anxious whether they can make it. For the candidates, you may have told this to yourself, “Kaya ka ha nako ni? Dili man nako choice ang mag-nurse. Kayanon lagi! For the parents and the relatives, “Bahala na. Basta magtinarong lang gid siya.” Ladies and gentlemen, can you relate to these statements? Very common, I must say.

Seldom you see a student nurse who is self-motivated to pursue nursing career. Why? Because they still have not convinced themselves that nursing is really for them? Or maybe they think they’ll feel better should they selected an easier course.

These are the realities. These realities maybe complex in nature that we hardly understand but let me tell you a story that might provide a clearer view of these realities.

"A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"
Curious, he yells: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"
And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!"
The voice answers: "I admire you!"
Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!"
He receives the answer: "Coward!"
He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on dad?"
The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention."
Again the man screams: "You are a champion!"
The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it."

Ladies and gentlemen, should nursing be a course not suited for you, life in itself will find ways to lead you to the course that will make you happy. On the same way, candidates of these capping and badging ceremonies, reaching this far is a testament that there is something in you that reflects the caring attitude of a nurse. This is a reflection of you!

A challenge that out of the multitude of individuals who wanted to become a nurse, you were given the chance… the opportunity. A privilege indeed.. given to the few who were given the means and the opportunity of becoming a nurse. A privilege which was not a result of a coincidence or mere encouragement by parents or relatives to earn abroad, instead a privilege which was brought by life, by destiny.. a calling to help for and serve others.

In the same way, nursing really was just at the back of my mind then but just before I finally make a decision on which career to choose, I was convince nursing was suited for me. I never really thought I’d make that decision. No one told me to do so but I decided to pursue a nursing career even though people were questioning me, Why nursing?

On my first few years in the nursing career, I was as if floating. Nowhere to go. I just allowed myself to flow with the current. If my instructor wanted us to do an assignment, I did it wholeheartedly. As examinations were piling up, I just remained calm. I just don’t know. I really didn’t worry that much not because of the confidence I have but because I know I was leading to somewhere that I don’t know.

Convinced that everything was really laid for me to become a nurse. I realized I have to set a goal for myself. To work hard to achieve it. I aimed at top     ping my batch with the highest honor. But it was never easy, hardwork and dedication were not enough. I realized I can be on top but I can no longer achieve the highest honor. For my grades were not enough for me to become one.  I just remained calm in spite of the failure; I know something good will happen.. better than I first thought of. I strived and just before I graduated, life found a way to realize my dream. It was not me who made an effort to realize it but it was life itself who made a way to lower down the requirements just to accommodate me.. for me to achieve my dream.. then that was how I became the first summa cum laude of the nursing program in my university.

Inspired by the achievement, I aimed at topping the nursing licensure examination. But I was tired. I was somehow contented with what I achieved. I believed that dream is not possible. Not really possible even I study harder and read more. I know I have my limitations.

But just like the story, I said to myself, I can be a champion. Then, I took everyday a challenge. I wasn’t the best but I know I can achieve my goal. It’s possible! Burning inside me is my passion.. also my belief that I was lead to this profession not because of coincidence but because it was a will of The One.

Every question I answered in my board examination, I held unto my belief that I will achieve something good at the end because these things happened not because of coincidence but because of the certainty of achieving something. And that is how I top the nursing licensure examination. An impossible feat among over 88,000 examinees but came to reality!

Candidates of this capping and badging ceremonies, the journey will not be easy. It is the time for you to apply all the knowledge you have learned and you are to learn a lot in the next days to come.

I hope the excitement today will last longer to push you more to excel. Times can become too tough for you physically and mentally; and for your parents financially. Do not give up and be discouraged for each day after.. means being nearer to the dream you might had upon entering the nursing school.

Remember you were privileged and take care of that privilege! Aim at something. Pray for your goals! Focus on it! Work hard on it! And life will find a way to reward all your efforts.

Ladies and gentlemen, candidates of this capping and badging ceremonies, you are not here to ask yourselves whether nursing is for you. Pay attention! Tell this to yourself, You are champion from now on. You will be the person you wanted to become.  You will become a nurse no matter how hard the journey will be. For nothing is impossible as long as you strive hard, believing something good will happen at the end.

Again, do not forget these 4 words: I AM A CHAMPION!
Once again, good evening to everyone.


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