Beating the Deadline
Running for the last available train or bus before getting late for work or an important meeting. Taking unnecessary taxi due to lack of time. Or, forcing oneself to finish the entire subject before the semester ends. It could also be just waiting for a response before the ultimate consequence could happen. This I have been experiencing either plannen or by chance. This is what we call beating the deadline. I am writing this because I have done it again, not because I actually did the entire thing but the Lord made sure I could actually accomplish it just in time. This is connection to my stay in Norway. With just few hours before I start waiting for an uncertain answer about my continued stay in Norway, then surprisingly early I got a positive response. Not to forget, I got several job interviews few weeks before I need to justify my current stay. Things had not been moving in a pace and direction I wanted few months before that. A temporary short-course uncertain contract and a term...