
Showing posts from 2020

9 years, 9 months, 9 days ago

April 9, 2011 – July 25, 2012 This is the third installment of the throwback series on this blogpost starting from April 2011 to July 2012. Interestingly, this will showcase how the distant past influences the present time. This also emphasized the personal development I underwent as influenced by the situation in the world and my surrounding. Today December 17, 2020 is the ninth anniversary of the Typhoon Washi or Sendong. What was happening in the world? Hosni Mubarak has been ousted but protests continue. Meanwhile, protests in Syria   and Libya escalate.   Libya's leader Gaddafi was killed. This is part of the Arab Spring affecting several countries. Al-Qaeda’s Osama Bin Laden was killed during an American military operation in Pakistan. While, in China pursues a crackdown on dissent over labour camps, as Chinese economy grew faster and faster. China continues political pressure in Inner Mongolia and Tibet, as Dalai Lama relinquishes his political and administrative ...

10 years, 10 months, 10 days ago

  December 21, 2009 – April 8, 2011 This is the second installment of the historical throwback in this blogspot, focusing on world affairs and how it shaped the events in my life and the environment surrounding me. In the end, a reflection on how the past influenced the present is provided. What was happening in the world? The worldwide recession is coming to an end. Pope Benedict XVI was knocked down by a woman during a procession at St. Peter’s Basilica. Pedophilia and sex scandals, however, plagued the Catholic church in Europe and South America. Later, the pope made controversial visits in Israel, Cyprus, and Ireland. On the other hand, Portugal, Argentina, and Mexico City legalized same-sex marriages. Meanwhile, the Swedish Supreme sentenced the owners of The Pirate bay, an online index of digital content. Norwegian Magnus Carlsen became the youngest world chess grandmaster. Meanwhile, Norway and Russia end a maritime border conflict in the Barents Sea. North and South K...

We Should Do All Our Share (Poem on Climate Change)

Can we reverse the deleterious effects of climate change? Later, or else ecological habitats destroyed and estranged Nearly we made natural adaptatation almost impossible Planetary greenhouse effects are also becoming irreversible Carbon human footprint in decades continuously increase Level of increased fossil fuel consumption also never cease Nitrous oxide and chemicals pollutes land, water, air due to us Petroleum, coal and oil limited use thus, we need to discuss Carbon offset measures and laws therefore are necessary List of harmful pollutants are unlimited; we must be wary Note to everyone: we have to safeguard our ozone layer Plant more trees against UV rays: for all, a need and prayer Carbon tax should be implemented by countries, overall Like and push politicians to adopt and enforce Kyoto Protocol Never too late to defend clean environment and atmosphere Persistent sea level rise, remember is a threat all of us to fear Climate justice should be enshrined in laws and supported...

11 years, 11 months, 11 days ago

  September 3, 2008 - December 20, 2009 Today, I will embark on a journey of reflecting more on my past using five key points. This will be unique in a way because I will go back to a certain period in my life. In this blogpost, I will start from September 3, 2008, exactly 11 years, 11 months and 11 days from now to about over a year later. What was happening in the world? During this time, Barack Obama was elected as the 44th president of the United States of America. Meanwhile, the world was severely affected by the mortgage crisis, which resulted in the bankruptcy of big real estate and investment companies. Several governments and stock markets showed signs of impending economic recession.  Later on,  swine and bird flu pandemics affected many countries, including neighboring China and my home country the Philippines, while HIV/AIDS and cholera claimed a lot of lives in Africa. In Asia, there was the melamine scare in milk products, while piracy has been a proble...

The Twelfth Chapter: New Resilient Version

Today, July 31, 2020 I celebrate my 12000 th day. Last November 5, 2017 , I  wrote a blogpost marking the end of my 11,000 days. I mark this day, because I believe we perhaps can not distinguish the changes on ourselves within a year but reflecting over the last 1,000 days will give us a different perspective in life based on what we have learned and experienced. The Tabula rasa I started the period of my life like a tabula rasa - a clean state of mind. I have preconceived ideas and judgments from my previous experiences, but my new experiences forced me to forget the previous learned ones, or else I would not achieve what I want. It feels like I had to undo everything I believed on.    ( Click here for the first 10,000 days ) What I have During the span of almost three years, I asked myself what I have. This question is something I took for granted before. I felt it is something obvious, not needing to reflect upon. However, this question is essential. Now...

Right Time for Everything?

When is the right time for everything? Is it today, in the near future or perhaps few months or years from now? This is a perplexing question anyone is confronted. But when can we really say it is the right time? This is the main theme of this blogpost. When you have the courage Courage is a feeling and act of valor inspite of uncertainty and danger. This is I believe the only kind of feeling we need to act. We do not need to feel happy, contented or secured, before we act. When we wait to feel better first before we act, then better do nothing at all. That will certainly take time. Feelings vary from time to time. But courage often happen instantaneously. Do something, rather than waiting for the right feeling. The right time is when you feel brave enough. Just be courageous. After all, if you commit mistakes, you can still rectify them and do better perhaps in another time.  When you have reason Many of us will never take the risk of acting on something before all the necessary i...

Love Yourself in 10 steps

Not long ago I had a major downturn in my life. I kept it a secret to the most important people in life. I was quite lost. I felt that I was begging for attention, time, and affection from other people. I was expecting people to show some empathy and take responsibility of making me feel well. Think about that. The consequences of that was domino of further self-destruction strategies and dysfunctional coping skills that superficially covered the intensity of how my problems impacted my life, not never really addressed the main problem – I was not loving myself as I should. Looking back, I could somehow reflect on the stages I went through to love myself. And, this is the focus of this blogpost 1. Make mistakes Do not be afraid to make mistakes. This is the most dangerous point, when one aspiring change is on a trial-and-error mode. Because the consequence could be worse. People go further downward, and some people self-destruct and lose identity in the process. I did this. Actually, I...