Three Years Ago: The Roller Coaster Ride
It was exactly this time three years ago when I arrived in Norway. I never thought how much learning I gained in that period of time. The feeling of anxiety was the prominent feeling I had. I was then attempting to embark in one of the most challenging roller coaster ride in my life. The thrill was there, but there were sad points and ofcourse there were reasons for elation. This is the focus of this blogpost as a mark of triumph and courage as an adult individual. Most of those that concerned me most involves my home country. Being a Filipino, I had the intention to help others. I admit I was to naive to use this as a reason to continue a work that never was working in the first place. I was thinking I was helping other Filipinos, but I never had the control of that aid primarily. Unfortunately, nightmare happened when things failed for me and for those who I intended to help. I felt hopeless, and more them who were continued to cling on their hopes. Sadly, I am being blamed for lea...