Over Two Years of Intermittent Fasting

Perhaps you heard about intermittent fasting before, but have you really understood how it could work? Well, it is simple as alternately being in a long fasting state with a periods when one is allowed to eat. It may sound difficult. I could say it is both easy and challenging, given that I have engaged myself into intermittent fasting almost daily for over two years now. In this blogpost, I will share my personal experience about intermittent fasting. 1. It is not a diet. It is not a diet, wherein one starves out oneself to attain weight loss. That is not the primary purpose of intermittent fasting, rather it is inducing sufficient stress to the body to be in a healthy "survival mode." One could actually eat whatever one likes during the non-fasting period. However, the first thing I noticed when I started fasting is that I got full easily during the first meal, such that I eat a little thereafter. So instead of eating three full meals, I gradually reduced it two...