You Are What You Eat

This old adage is commonly heard especially in the advent of researches supporting healthy diet and good nutrition. It is quite simple to understand but by the mechanisms to which how this works may not be as simple as it is. These mechanisms and how they affect our behavior will be the focus of this blogpost. You eat well you feel well This is perhaps standard belief about food. What we take into our body will start a series of reactions that dictate the functioning of our organs as a whole. Nutritionists recommends everything in moderation, not entirely removing one food group because in a way even bad stuffs have purpose in the body. That is even bad cholesterol which has fatty acids that make up the protective linings of our organs. These cholesterol are not just the sole source of these fatty acids, but nevertheless, they could provide one. But excessive intake of food containing bad cholesterol would probably clog our arteries, reducing the amount of circulated oxygen need...