
Showing posts from February, 2018

My First 11,111 days: The Five Changes

Today February 23, 2018 is the 11111st day of my life. No one would seem to celebrate this odd day. Think about this, it is expected for all individuals to pass through their 111st day. Majority would perhaps celebrate their 22222nd day, but very few would reach their 33333rd day. Of these three mentioned marked days, the 1111st is perhaps most remarkable because it is the only one characterized by youth and significant changes in life. So I would like to mark this day with the five things I have recently learned. These are themes that may characterized the changes that occurred. Structure to Spontaneity Change is constant, but most of us will never accept changes as it is. This is the reason why most of us prefer structure and predictability than spontaneity. I myself was a fan of planned days and activities. In fact, I have structured lists of what I need to do and want to experience and get at least in the next three years. I know changes may occur but I am a person who plans ...

The Five Presents

It was not worse as we thought it would be. It was even better. Things have been going so well for you. These are the thoughts that can describe how I see where you are right now. Well, it was  even difficult making a post which I usually do every year because I just want you to remain like what you are today. However, since it is birthday, let me mark this day with the gifts you got or perhaps going to get from me. Let me explain why I gave them to you. Dried Fruits Well, a reminder that you need to take care of your heart literally. Potassium. Potassium. What is your heart for without regular and rhythmic beats, right? I ate some of it so I bought again. Hide them before I start eating them again. Note: I did not buy the Philippine dried mangoes. Ofcourse, they will just be consumed before I come to visit you. Amber earrings Well, I just I thought of it while I was in Vilnius, Lithuania. It was not so expensive but I thought you need a pair of earrings not so heavy as pearls....

Bottlenecks: Challenges in Life

Options and alternatives are running out. Resources are dwindling at a worrying pace. Things are becoming uncertain and the risks are too high to gamble. These are several descriptions of a typical life bottleneck. Usually, this word is used in business in situations when the organization's mission and values are tested in extremely challenging and risky circumstances. This however is common in one's life. A stress point, foreseeable or unexpected, bottlenecks may permanently change an individual's perspective, personality and even decision-making. This is the focus of this blogpost. No one can predict consequences Logical reasoning does not work as it is supposed to do at all times. Cause-effect analysis and inferences may not be applicable in a bottleneck. There are just so many factors affecting one, such that it is nearly impossible to map out the possible consequences thereafter. The wise may foresee things but still without compelling certainty. But certain...