Chaos At Work

Each of one of us want some order and specific explanations about the things and people that surround us. We attempt to find patterns of behavior so we could infer the probable subsequent actions one has as a reaction to a known stimulus. However, to our surprise and frustration, not everything in this world follows according to our assumption and understanding of the environment. Due to find, we search for logical reasons to justify them. But at sometimes, there is none. We think it is unnatural and chaotic. In reality, it is chaos at work.

This blogpost will delve around exploring the concept of chaos, as a legitimate means to explain certain phenomena in our lives. This will also tackle on the various examples how chaos theoretical assumptions influence us in our day-to-day activities.

Not everything can be explained by logic

One thing is certain logic is non-linear. It is not just cause-effect relationship. There is a bunch of factors that influence an event or a person. It does not mean the more a certain event would yield more of another. For example, hardwork and success. People say the more diligent and determined we are towards our goals, the chances of success will also increase. But in reality, this is not even true. Success happens most of the time spontaneously and coincidentally. No logical objective argument could entirely describe what had happened. Worse, this vagueness is simply not something to be imitated by others to experience degree of success or even outcome type. Even at the same conditions, results differ without known causes for it. That is just a chaotic perspective of life.

Small changes can lead to large differences

Chaos theory uses the analogy of a butterfly in US initiating big changes in Brazil. This is not logical for how come when a butterfly flaps its wings in a tropical forests in Amazon cause changes in anything in its far neighbour in the northern opposite side of the hemisphere.  It is not like small changes add up to create bigger one. It is really some irrelevant minute change could turn on a cascade of events improbable and very distant from one's expectations. This is perhaps why even how cautious one could be one is still at risk of contracting chronic and debilitating diseases. No advice could prevent one entirely of getting it. Thereby, there is no known guarantee in those health tips and recommendations.

Nothing at present could exactly predict the future

This is certainly known to us. The future is uncertain, but each of try to grasp controls over it. We work hard today after setting vivid objectives on what we intend to. We ask help from people who we think would minimize risks and uncertainties in parts of our plan. We react fast and effectively if there is untoward irregularities from our expectations. However, it is still definitely probable that the end result is not something we hoped for. Even at these times, we could try to find reasons but seldom there is simply no explanation why the future had been detached from what we thought in the past and present. This is quite challenging to grasp.

One can be predictable first then entirely random thereafter

Scientists somehow develop generations of computer systems to make a robot functioning. They understand the earlier versions and literally "mix" it with another, hoping to create a better one. The same with our genes perhaps. We might in the future understand each part of our chromosomes, but at the onset of fertilization, one could a "better" human is about to be developed, but no one really knows to what extent is better, or if it is in fact better. Everything at the beginning of life is a marvelous unpredictible complexity based on known concepts and principles. Simply, things start easy then spiral down to an unknown abyss of perplexity.

Chaos and order occur side by side

Chaos and order are not actually on two disconnected sides of the wall. They are not entirely opposites. They exist simultaneously, not even in a spectrum. This is perhaps one of the greatest mystery of life. One could fathom the underlying basic features and rules governing a certain situation. For example, one would know what is right from wrong, but people may act extremely that everyone considers an action wrong but still the individual does it anyway. Hence, there is nothing could pinpoint when and why chaos occurs.

Lastly, one could somehow utilize chaos theory to comprehend our own nature. Perhaps an alibi to our grave mistakes and deviant actions. For an individual is not as simple as one thinks, such that even our closest friends and family may end up puzzled by our decisions and reactions. Nothing and no one could assure that one behaves and thinks on a certain way. There are different conflicting factors that affect us individuals, making us unpredictible. The same argument could be used to back why each of us is unique and special in our own ways.


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