5 Types of Solutions to Everything

The world is plagued with so many problems. These difficulties are just so immense that one gets confused what to focus, prioritize and address first. Although actions towards an issue may not be sufficient, everyone seems to try how to craft plans to direct these challenges. However, due to expectations and impatience in the process of problem-solving, many gets frustrated and even worse are convinced that rights solutions do exist.

In this post, I will tackle five types of solutions to various issues everyone experiences whether from simple to the most complicated ones. I will be limited in explaining about the nature of solutions to problems. This is done to aid readers to develop a process in addressing their problem-solving needs. Here are the five:

1. The planned calculated strategy

In a perfect world, everything is known and strategies can be designed to create and influece desired outcomes. This is reflected in science and research as this body of knowledge ascribes that knowing and understanding an question is crucial in developing and implementing solutions, that are primarily beneficial to oneself and the significant others. However, there exists two disadvantages in using this approach. This requires both an objective person and an existing effective problem-solving method, which makes this approach rarely utilized.

2. The shared advice

There is a distinction between shared advice and a shared hearsay. This depends on the who one listened to. The most important is that there is proven wisdom, depth, empathy, clarity and realism with the person being asked an advice for. This does not necessarily equate to a close friend or a family member, since this group of people are often the most biased of all as they take a problem theirs as well. This, however does not discourage the majority to use this very risky problem-solving approach.

3. The unexpected puzzle-fit

In life, there exists surprises. These are unplanned, unthought-of and non-advised solutions. They simply arise from nowhere. Furthermore, time is not a factor with this approach such solutions simply come up like weeds on the ground. Perhaps, life would be great and more exciting if solutions like discovered treasures in usual non-secretive places. However, in reality the probability of getting this type of solution is as low as finding a certain puzzle piece in a box full of it. This, however does not eliminate its existence and possibility.

4. The abrupt momentous opportunity

Sometimes, a person is equipped with proper understanding of a problem, effective methods and adequate support from wise and realistic individuals BUT lacks the right timing. It seems everything is set from start to finish but there is a mysterious and unknown gap between the plan and the road leading to desired outcomes. Worse, plans go exactly as planned and expected but suddenly put into stop due to a missing step that was either previously unforseen or expected but involves time and coincidence. This is quite frustrating since a problem that is almost solved is still technically unsolved for some. Thus, when the right time comes, there comes an opportunity to finally put an issue to rest.

5. The meaningful solution

It is usual that people focuses on how to solve a problem and how to derive and yield benefits from it. However, many forgets to develop solutions that does not just produce personal advantage but also social impact and protects the common good. This is what I call the meaningful solution. Deriving this type of solution is perhaps the most perplexing since there are no methods and requirements. It is also independent to time and shared advices. This solution is only grounded on intentions and the personality of an individual concerned. Should a person think of the benefits of othets before oneself, he or she makes an action or a decision based on eventualities affecting most people. This is for me not just a desired outcome, but also desired solution to a problem.

Lastly, individuals are just excessively pre-occupied about dissecting a problem. In fact, it is important such that it is the first step in finding potential answers to these issues. However, one should not forget that one must be solution-oriented rather than being problem-minded. There is significant difference between the two mindset, thereby creating varying life  outcomes and opportunities.


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