Filipino Immigrants: 5 Reasons Not to Worry on their Influx

It is not easy to hear news about how absurd immigration has become in Europe due to influx of skilled workers from Asia and Africa as well as asylum seekers from war-torn countries like Syria. Honestly, I feel humiliated and disappointed reading exchange of views among natural-born citizens. I feel like I stole something from them and that it was a mistake coming to a foreign land, which remains to be skeptic on individuals like me.

As a defense to immigrants, I would like to speak in behalf of my fellow Filipinos. This is not to encourage emigration from the Philippines, nor to give an impression that Filipinos are better than any race. Instead, this seeks to provide a good example and explanation, for this instance Filipino immigrants that taking skilled workers and sharing resources with them is not a bad idea at all. Here I list 5 reasons why any natural-born citizen should not worry about influx of Filipino overseas workers.

1. Though overly competitive, the Philippines does not run out of highly-skilled, well-educated and trainable labor force.

More than half of the 100 million population in the Philippines are in the labor force. A significant part of it are college graduates and have relevant work experience. The Filipino working mentality is not as relaxed as that with others. We are familiar with competition and the need to give our best in every task amd endevour. Although we would gladly have the best skilled workers staying in our home country, I think for now it is not disadvantageous to share this labor force with other countries, especially those with aging population.

2. Though some are noisy and self-pretentious, Filipinos take pride on our resilence and versatility in general and patience and dedication at work.

With every worst thing happening in the Philippines from chaotic socio-political system to devastating and deadly natural calamities, many would ask how an average Filipino can withstand and cope with these situations. Perhaps, we Filipinos were born without a choice in these aspects, but most of us have decided to be adapt well with inevitable changes. Although Filipinos vary in coping and behavior, generally we can tolerate stress in any imaginable level and type, such that it can be beneficial for the destination country to have such kind of labor force.

3. Though some are opportunistic, Filipinos can contribute to the general welfare of the foreign country.

It is well-known that the primary reason for Filipinos to work outside the Philippines is the intention to help our respective families attain and experience a better economic condition. If we Filipinos can help our families, it is also natural for us to extend our contribution to the new country. Just let us understand fully and we would gladly partake on it.

4. Although submissive and shy, Filipinos have the initiative to learn and aim higher.

It is natural in our culture to be regionalistic than being nationalistic. Although this seems to be disadvantageous as this also ushers conflicts in the long-run, this Filipino trait can be useful in an organization lacking the sense of identity and belongingness. As a matter-of-fact, there are many Filipinos, who are willing to extend their time to keep the organizations they belong better than their counterparts.

5. Although Filipinos go around the bush and think very complicated, we do have a deep sense of faith and hope.

As I observed most of the destination countries Filipinos go have been experiencing a different kind of cultural revolution. Citizens become richer but more at risk for depression and egoism. This is opposite to how Filipinos in general are raised. Filipinos are naturally charming people. We have the ability to make anyone smile and be felt wanted. Our deep sense of compassion stems from our faith that everything we do is only part of a higher purpose for the common good.

Lastly, I would like to make a plea towards natural-born citizens that the world is technically a single community of people but divided by borders and cultural differences. We are not alike but we can have the same mentality of helping each other. Perhaps, natural-born citizens do not see our worth today but I believe there are those who wants to leave a mark and make a contribution in whatever way it could be. Although we feel now  being treated unwanted and as second-class individuals, we understand and are willing to understand more until the time comes that most natural-born citizens fully understand us.


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