7 Thoughts about High IQ Score

Many of former students had asked me on what is my IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Perhaps, they became curious about it after I taught them for quite some time. It is difficult to answer such question because I took several IQ examinations of varying scope and realibility. However, it might be safe to say my IQ is superior, which is within 120 to 130.

Interestingly, many have contrasting concepts and thoughts about having high IQ.  In this blog post, I would attempt to shed light on these thoughts and perhaps misconceptions, as well as relate them to my personal experience. I would rather than describe and explain, but I do not intend to establish causal association between one's IQ level and their performance in either in life or certain aspects of it.

1. IQ fluctuates with age.

IQ is the ratio between an individual's estimated mental age and actual age. Statistically speaking, IQ is influenced by the actual age, which happens to be the divisor of the IQ equation. This means that it is less difficult to achieve an IQ of 120 at the age of 20; given this only requires a mental age of 24, approximately 4 years more than actual age. However, for a 30-year-old man to get an IQ of 120, he or she is required to have at least 6 years more to his age as his mental age. This is a statistical concern, rather than real deterioration of one's mental processes.

Personally speaking, this statistical IQ glitch is evident on my recent IQ test results. It would seem that my IQ has been gradually declining as my age increases. However in truth, the difference between my mental and actual age remains almost constant at 6 to 8 years. Therefore, IQ tests must be custom-made to suit with problems on test realibility and this so-called mathematical glitch.

2. High IQ hinders one's social capacity.

In connection to popular belief, people with high IQ are so-called nerd with very disappointing social skills and are considered unwell-socially-integrated and aloof. However, in contrast to this belief, people with high IQ feels more confident in expressing their thoughts and even feelings, making them attractive and the center of social gatherings and conversations. Both possibilities are plausible since an individual is unique from another that outcomes are guaranteed even with the same factors and causes.

I admit I do have my problems with how I relate with others, but I do not consider these problems different from what others experience, regardless of IQ level. Furthermore in time, I developed more confidence in communication, which helped me gain friends and acquaintances, boosting my social skills in the long run.

3. High IQ is a determinant of success.

An IQ test only estimates some of the interconnected brain functions. This shows that IQ does not really measure intelligence, since the concept of intelligence encompasses several sub-concepts that are immeasurable and even difficult to define. Moreover, success in finances and with personal health is supported by researches to be linked with high IQ. However, health and wealth are multi-factorial and can therefore not be pin down entirely with high IQ score. Furthermore, some identify an IQ more than 115 as the versatility point, wherein one can learn any skill or knowledge in any field or level of complexity.

I am thankful of a good cognitive skill on processing information better than the majority of the population. However, more than IQ, I acknowledge diligence, determination, grit personality, faith and luck as more essential determinants of the achievements I have today. However, I recognize that having high IQ score maybe associated with versatility. I myself struggle to be good in several fields at the same time.

4. High IQ ensures objectivity and good problem-solving skills.

IQ is a test on how the brain processes several information simultaneously to come up with solutions to adversities and dilemmas concerning any entity or organization. Because of this, many correlates high IQ with good problem-solving skills as one utilizes a systematic and efficient process to find the best method to address a concern or difficulty.

Like any other human beings, one's objectivity can be clouded by events and subjective feelings. However, as one uses his or her cognitive skills to solve problems, patterns may be realized, making it less difficult other more complex situations in the future. This skills maybe diminished but the patterns remain learned by the person concerned.

5. IQ level can be improved or enhanced.

There are claims and researches which promotes the use of pharmacologic and dietary supplements to boost one's IQ. This claims are more common in products consumed by infants and toddlers, ensuring proper brain development; thereby increasing one's IQ. Furthermore, adequate rest and constant mental stimulation maintains good IQ levels.

Personally, I do not believe on the value of supplements to enhance IQ. This is because good nutrition, sufficient rest and stimuli are enough to facilitate optimal  brain development and ensure high IQ scores. I would rather believe the influence of genetics and immediate environment to intelligence.

6. IQ is inversely related with EQ ( emotional intelligence )

Many people differentiates IQ with EQ, with the latter being more important. This is because according to popular belief, a person who handles well affectively in real and practical situations is way better than those with high IQ  who are  perceived to be stuck with theory, rather than application.

This is an example of illogical presumptions for merely differentiating IQ from EQ is not equivalent with determining which of the two is better. Realistically speaking, it is possible to get high score on IQ, as well as EQ. It is just the narrow minds of some people, who refuses this  possibility to appease themselves of their own deficiencies.

7. IQ scores is a matter of focus and practice.

Like any other survey tool, an IQ examination is subject to validity and realibility. The greatest threat to IQ scores is previous exposure to same or similar IQ test format. It would be a logical consequence to have higher IQ after one gains awareness on the nature and level of difficulty of the exam. As a result, many associates IQ test with mere acquisition of the opportunity of constant exam practice to a state of familiarity to the exam itself.

This is absolutely true for it happened to me several times. Although increases are meager and sometimes insignificant, the increases could possibly lead false generalizations and research findings. On the personal note, such false-positive increases would unnecessarily contribute for people to believe they are better than they actually are.

Lastly regardless of the individual's IQ, what matters most is social relevance. This relates to how a person uses his or her cognitive abilities to find solutions to complex problems affecting not just oneself but with the society as well. Therefore, this is a great challenge for those, who seems to have the gift of fast and efficient mental processing.


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