3 Advantages of Corruption and Nepotism

I have quite accepted since I was younger that life would never be fair, given what I see in the Philippine society. Corruption, which is a broad term to describe illegitimate use of power for private gain is rampant in all levels of the society. One would not have to go far or exert too much effort in finding some examples. My first experience of corruption has been in school. I myself became a victim of favoritism, and perhaps in one way or another learned to benefit from it as well. I thought it was just a natural mechanism to deal with competition and life in general. However, did I reap some advantages from this experience? This is the focus of this blogpost.

My experience did not stop there. When I finished school, I was at disadvantageous stance when I realized corruption has another side, nepotism. Nepotism is simply the unfair practice of bestowing favoritism to family members or perhaps close family friends. I saw how one family to another attempted to secure job and positions using their familial influence. I can not blame them because this practice has been part of the Filipino culture, such that no longer aspire to change it, but simply adapt with it. However, this has left us in the waterloo those who simply work hard and who have inadequate network of influential family members and friends. Now, I no longer experience it Norway because in practice one does not notice the traces of corruption and nepotism evidently. It may exist but comparing to the Philippines, the situation is almost negligible. Because of this, I was able to clear my mind and reflect on this matter, resulting for me to distinguish few advantages of these socio-political phenomenon.

The strongest and the smartest prevail

Simply, the system encourages survival of the fittest. The only solution for the hardworking is to outwit and outshine those, who benefitted from corruption and nepotism. Keep these favored individuals on the sides. Never hesitate to show one's uniqueness and excellence. In this way, it would be the hardworking and unfavored, who will be dictating the standards and methods of evaluation of one's performance. In short, let them dance to your music, not the other way around.

The weakest learn to adapt and perhaps become stronger

It should be acknowledge that the majority would not opt to adapt with difficulties due to lack of courage and resources. The average and the weakest would tend to settle for something safe, or worse support the system that nurtures corruption and nepotism. They simply do this because they are left without any option. The negative consequence of this is that the weakest and the average would no longer aspire for change. However, in the long run, they might realize these actions is simply futile and unproductive, thereby initiating the desire for change and to perhaps strengthen themselves as well.

People think of alternatives, rather than remain in despair.

Whe corruption and nepotism becomes overwhelming, the options to give up and find other alternatives are evident. This is something I did as I ventured out of the country to seek for better opportunities in a country with minimal social injustice. A person therefore must not despair, but naturally will find other means to realize their personal goals and aspirations. These alternatives may even lead them to become stronger and be more adaptive to change.

Lastly, corruption and nepotism should never be tolerated. However, the question on how to combat them is a difficult to answer. Honestly, I am no longer optimistic that all adult individuals, who have experience this social injustice. These individuals will find it hard to change, given the society itself have taught them to deal with corruption. The only hope I guess lies on the future generation. If the family would take a strong stance against corruption and treat everyone wuthin the family fairly then we could ease somehow injustice in the society in the long run. Moreover the greatest overhaul should be initiated in schools. Teachers must portray credibility in actions and in words in fighting against favoritism and unfair practice. Afterall, it took long time for the Philippines to be as worst as this, so it would take double that time to undo what has permeated into the Filipino culture's core.


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