When the Road Gets Rough Again

There are times when we meet crossroads in our life when it becomes difficult to decide. One feels very anxious and uncertain about where to go and what to do. However, when one eventually succeeds to come up with a solution to a problem, one feels optimistic again. This nevertheless does not exempt one from experiencing challenges again ahead in the journey. What makes it more irritating when life challenges one again just right after another, a period when the road gets rough again.

What could one eventually do and feel when this happens? It is quite natural to feel unlucky and disappointed, but keeping on track is still a challenge in itself that takes time and process to complete. On what are the stages and steps on this process is the focus of this blogpost.

1. It is okay to feel sad and disappointed

Naturally, when a problem arises a person undergoes a denial stage when one gets frustrated and does not recognize the magnitude of the problem at hand. This is the period when it is not beneficial to take decisions. One should allot time for this period to go over. It could be several days or weeks, but it is important that the individual is aware and decided on how long this phase should be.

2. Take a deep breath and relax.

Making a transition from an anxious phase to a relaxed state of mind is dependent on several factors. Usually, it is influenced by one's coping mechanism and personality. Anxiety clouds one's mind so it is crucial to clear it to be objective by taking time to find credible helpful information or by talking to others. Others may give suggestions, but all these things will be counterproductive without having relaxed mind.

3. Find a way to be focused.

Relaxing does not guarantee being focused. This is the most important product of relaxation. However, not everyone attains it. Knowing what is important, the main objective and the measures necessary to achieve it are prerequisites to have focused. This would also mean that a person acknowledges that a compromise may result but the direction of actions should still lead to the original goal, if possible.

4. Sort out options.

Gaining grasp on what is needed will facilitate one to realize the various options available to meet the ultimate goals. The measures identified prior hand may not be relevant or available at the time of decision so one must be careful to determine all possible choices one could take. It maybe few or none at all, resulting to further frustration and anxiety and regressing to the first stage of denial. However, one should see the problem in different perspectives to anticipate consequences of the potential actions.

5. Move again and take chances.

With a handful of options, one could attempt to choose the best one based on one's evaluation of the situation. There is always a risk of failure so one must be flexible enough to adjust actions accordingly, or implement other options although not considered to be the best. In short, one should not hesitate to take chances. Hence, there are no results if one is coward enough to take actions at least.

Keeping on track is a difficult thing to do. It is easy said than done. However, keeping a life free from discomfort and surprises is unreal and exists only in fantasy. It is crucial for one to recognize that everything is possible, and life is not a bed of roses. There are ups and downs. What matters most is not to drown our thoughts of negativity, instead one  should always attempt to be objective and optimistic at the same time.


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