Budapest, Hungary: The Unified Cities Along the Danube River Part 1

The single capital city occupying both banks of the Danube River after the unified West mountainous Buda and the plain Pest on the east bank. Buda was a remnant of the nomadic Hun settlement, which originally established the city. On the other hand, Pest came from the Roman Empire’s fortress located on the ancient city with a military camp. This prehistory of Budapest has been a good premonition of a rich culture that was formed after mixture of political, cultural and social events under Mongols, Turks, Austria, Russia and even the Post- Soviet Union communist era thereafter.

There are several reasons why I wanted to have a short visit to Budapest. This short visit will be described in three-part series. This is the First part. Click here for the Second Part and Third Part.

1.    Nagymezõ u.

This is one of the cultural avenues in Budapest, where theaters, clubs and restaurants are located.

2.    Magyar Állami Operaház

The Hungarian State Opera was constructed during the period of dual monarchy of Austria and Hungary during the 18th century. At the entrance of the Opera House, one finds two figures of two prominent Hungarian composers Erkel and Liszt.

3.    Szent István Bazilika

This Roman Catholic basilica, which is the third largest church building in the country was named after the first king of Hungary. Interestingly, this is considered two of the tallest buildings in capital, given there are regulations that no other buildings than the Parliament and this building.

4.    Szabadság tér

The square is where the Embassy of the United States of America and the Hungarian National Bank are situated. There are several monuments in the area, especially that of Ronald Reagan and the Soviet liberation of Hungary in Second World War.

5.    Szovjet háborús emlékmű

This is the monument dedicated to the war prisoners during the Soviet Union. This Soviet monument is located on the Liberty Square, which was intended to advertise the Hungarian liberation from fascism.

6.    Zrínyi u.

This is the street on the administrative and financial center Leopold city district. The buildings along the street surrounds the St. Stephen Square.

7.    Széchenyi tér

This is the area near the Chain Bridge on the Pest foot, and was renamed several times in the past from Carpenter Square, Franz Joseph Square or Roosevelt Square, remembering the American president.

8.    Magyar Tudományos Akadémia

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences has the main task of cultivating science and research of Hungarian science.

9.    Széchenyi Lánchid

The Chain Bridge is the oldest and best known permanent connection along two sides of the Danube River. It is the perfect way to the see the World Heritage protected areas and panorama.

10. Danube

This is Europe’s second longest river that spans from Central and Eastern Europe. It is considered to a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire from Germany to Bulgaria.

11. Belgrád rkp.

The Belgrade quay stretches from the Chain Bridge to the Liberty Bridge. It was part of the Medieval city wall on the Pest Bank of the Danube.

12. Deák Ferenc tér

This is the only transfer station for lines of the Budapest Metro. It is considered to the busiest stations in the system. It was built through cut-and-cover method, which was quite the oldest parts of the metro network.

13. Deák téri evangélikus templom

This is Budapest’s oldest church and part of Pest Lutheran Church. There were external renovations on the church after it was heavily damaged during the Second World War. The church building further became a refuge during the Pest flood in the 18th century.

14. Belvárosi Szent Anna templom

The Inner City Parish Church of St. Anne is located on the Szervita square in the capital of the liberation from the Turks in the 16th century. The church was also renovated after severe damage during the Second World War.

15. Istenszülő elhunyta Nagyboldogasszony

This is the Magyar Orthodox Diocese or Moscow Patriarchate. This is for the Greek traders who settled in the Hungarian capital. The church was also severely destroyed during the Second World War.

16. Erzsébet híd

The Elizabeth Chain Bridge was destroyed by the retreating German troops during the Second World War. It was named after Queen Elizabeth who was assassinated in Geneva.

17. Belvárosi plébániatemplom

The Assumption Parish or Inner City Parish Church. During the Turkish occupation, the church was used as a mosque. This is considered the oldest church of the Hungarian capital.

18. Március 15. Tér

This is the gate of the Danube Promenade. There are Roman ruins in the area where high classical style residential houses in the 19th century.

19. Belvárosi Ferences-templom

The Inner City Franciscan Church is one of the most popular spiritual center in the Budapest. The Franciscan Order returned to the church after forty years of exile following the Soviet years in Hungary.

20. Egyetemi Templom

The Univeristy Church was a former mosque, now dedicated for to Virgin Mary. It is owned by the Lutheran Theological University, together with four other churches within Budapest’s Old Town.

21. Belvárosi Szent Mihály templom

The Inner City St. Michael’s Church is a Catholic Church in the center of Budapest. This was established by the Dominicans after the invasion of the Mongols and destroyed by the Turks before it was rebuilt in the 17th century.

22. Váci u.

This tourism-dedicated pedestrian is where many restaurants and shopping stores are located. The street is said to be known for some women trying to trick tourists paying for expensive drinks.

23. Fővám tér

The Main Customs Square is where the merchants sell their produce in the adjacent Grand Market Hall.

24. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum

The Hungarian National Museum’s building was built in the 18th century. This is the considered Europe’s third oldest national museum.

25. Corvinus University of Budapest

This is a research-oriented university with educational programs in agriculture, business, economics and social sciences. The Faculty of Economics was the first to open in the 18th century.

The mixture of various ideologies and cultures influencing Hungary as a nation. It has influenced the practice of religion, education, music and dance, and how the Hungarians have built the country to what it is today – a place where tourists like me are kept interested with its past and how it will be in the future.


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