Gdansk, Poland: The Strategic Former Free State Part 1

The largest Polish city along the Baltic city, Gdańsk is the center of the Kashubians, who speaks the remnant of the old Pomeranian language. This uniqueness is increased by its history of self-rule to maintain the Polish corridor that gives access the German-controlled East Prussia and Poland as the Free City of Danzig. After the First World War and the defeat of the Central Powers, the United States of America assured the creation of the Polish state access to the Baltic Sea through Pomerelia where Gdańsk situated. This makes Gdańsk an important trading port of the Polish state. This economic and historic significance draws tourists, merchants and immigrants to the city port. This is the first part of my visit. Click here for the second part.

1.     Gdańsk Główny

This Gdansk railway station, which serves as an access to the Pomeralia. It was called the Danzig Main Station, reflecting German influence in the city. The station is pattern from the design of Colmar Station in Alsace, France.

2.     Fontanna na placu im. Jana Heweliusza

This fountain is named “All the colors of the water.” It commemorates the construction of the water saniation facilities in the city. It represents the water cascades.

3.     Kościół św. Katarzyny

Church of Sts. Catherine is the oldest parish church of the Old Town in Gdansk. The church was destroyed during the Second World War and a fire after the turn of the millennium.

4.     Kanał Raduni

The Radunia Channel flows into one of the dead tributary of the Vistula River, which has been a landmark for the Pomeranian province. It was built by the Teutonic Knights.

5.     Baszta Jacek

Tower Jacek is a historical tower within the medieval fortifications in the city. The brick building is octagonal and is quite tall to allow observation of the Old Town to prevent attacks.

6.     Hala Targowa Gdańsk

The Market Hall is also known as Dominican square after it was the location of the Dominican monastery was destroyed during he siege of the Russian and Prussians.

7.     Świętego Ducha

The Pentecost Street in the oldest mentioned street in written history in Gdansk. There are many houses on the street mostly rebuilt after the Second World War.

8.     Kaplica Królewska

The Royal Chapel in Gdansk was built by Catholics with the help of a medieval Polish king. It became the temporary chapel when the St. Mary’s Church was in the hands of Protestants during the Reformation years.

9.     Bazylika Mariacka Wniebowzięcia

St. Mary’s Church is a Roman Catholic church is one of the largest brick church in the world. During the Reformation, most residents of Danzig embraced Lutheranism, making the church was one of the largest Protestant church in the world.

10.  Fontanna Czterech Kwartałow

The fountain is divided into four parts so this is the reason why it is called the Fountain of Four Quarters. It represents wide, high, fisheries and kogi. The glasses are in different colors, which looks beautiful at dusk.

11.  Szeroka

The Broad Street is one of the main street in the Old Town. It ends on the Crane, which was heavily damaged during the war. It was immediately reconstructed thereafter.

12.  Kościół św. Jana

The Gothic church of Sts. John is a parish in the Old Town in Gdansk. It is also used now as a cultural center with a professional stage and sound system.

13.  Brama Świętojańska

The Świętojańska Gate was a hotel in the 14th century, with a view on the riverside. During the Second World War, the gate was destroyed and restored thereafter.

14.  Tramwaj wodny-F5 Motława

This is the waterways in Gdansk. This is a popular tourist destination in Gdansk. These waterways are connected to the Moltawa River. The river flows across Gdansk, which derived its named from the Kashubian translation of the old name, Gdania.

15.  Statek-muzeum "Sołdek" Ossział Narodowego

The ship SS Soldek was a coal and ore freighter. It was the first ship built in Poland after the Second World War. It is now preserved as a museum ship in the city.

16.  Narodowe Muzeum Morskie w Gdańsku

This is a national cultural institution to preserve monuments related to shipping, boatbuilding and fisheries. Few of their exhibitions are Dar Pomorza in Gdynia, Crane and SS Soldek in Gdansk.

The strategic and navigational location of Gdansk makes it a primary shipbuilding port on the Baltic coast. It is now the greatest advantage of the city port, which gives  also the same reasons why tourists flock in one the largest cities in the Polish state. The same degree of significance has also been considered during the period when Gdansk was a free state, being sandwiched between the Polish corridor and German-controlled Eastern Prussia before the start of the First World War. This clearly reflects the extreme historical significance of this city in the world stage until the present time.


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