History Can Tell

When things get vague such that determining the rightness or wrongfulness of a situation one is experiencing, the greatest piece of advice one could get is to wait until the situation is finished. Then, he or she could tell whether his or her actions were appropriate to the situation or not. This is not just true on personal experiences, but events and issues plaguing a society, neighborhood or a nation. Therefere, one could say, indeed history can only tell.

In this blogpost, the writer will attempt to explain deeper on why things are better seen when a thing is already done, rather on seeing it beforehand or simultaneously as the situation unfolds. This article will also try to cite some personal experiences and social issues that are considered crucial in world history. It is not however, the intention of this article to insinuate something to its readers, such that there is an attempt to manipulate or feed the readers of the ultimate way in determining what is right and wrong. It is unfortunately until this day, there is no standard protocol in the world for that.

History removes the assumptions.

The greatest challenge of the future is when people create and believe that their false assumptions are true. It may sound delusional, but people were not crazy to believe their thoughts were correct, based on what others say and believe, the norms during the time of occurrence and factors affecting the individual's judgment. Only history could tell when those assumptions are correct or not. Now, there is no vagueness. Everything is clear, such that all cards are on the table, preventing one from guessing of what will possibly happen.

One of the major highlight in the world history is the Cold War. It is when two different and seemingly contrasting idealogies of democracy and communism divided the world in sharp lines along ethnicities and governments. The Cold War seemed like two brothers never wanted the other to rule over the other. The problem is that there is no necessity to quarrel in the first place. Although the situation has not really been resolved into these days, given the US-China/Russia tensions, the two Koreas and some regimes in Africa, Asia and Middle East. The question is just whether a nation should be subjected to more control or not. More control was perceived a violation of human rights, while less control was widely accepted as compatible for survival, although it created social inequality. Those assumptions continue to this day. Many have thought as those assumptions as true, until they realized there are governments in Scandinavia, which uses a hybrid of the two idealogies, and surprisingly it works well until today. What was then the purpose of the Cold War then, when the two idealogies are in the first place not mutually exclusive? A waste of time, lives and power?

History could be more objective in time.

A problem when humans are confronted with a situation is that he or she is clouded by his or her emotions. The daily experience of grusomeness, melancholy and elation accentuates and exaggerates reality. By saying, there is exaggeration, there exists twisting of perception and worse misjudgment. That is not problem when dealing with history. Since the events had already been done, the person thinking no longer has to subjected to the same compelling emotions. As more time passes, the individual becomes more objective as the memory of the strong emotions fades. This is the reason why many say let time tell.

When one needs to end a relationship with someone, one is ofcourse hurt and confused at the same time. Many would attempt to revive the relationship, even in reality, it is no longer working. One therefore subjects himself or herself of being with a person, who no longer has a significance in their lives. The change that ending a relationship entails is perhaps the greatest hindrance to change itself. The mere thought of the change makes more anxious and less objective. It is only and only when the relationship has finally been ended and maintained at that, that the individuals involved in the relationship could finally sort out what was indeed right and wrong. Some would end in regrets, but the goal ofcourse is satisfaction.

History is no longer dangerous in any way.

What makes history a little boring is that it really has no significance because there is no thrill in it. Humans like the feeling of the unknown, and succeeding over the cloud of uncertainties. In history, the danger has long gone. It is therefore just a safe, non-life-threatening,
Iife-changing mental process that may direct one of the possible actions in the future, thereafter developing wisdom and insight of the environment one lives in. It is safe to say that we, as humans, live in a world of trial and error. We commit mistakes, we realize them and attempt to be better, then commit mistakes again either on the same matter or another. That is just how it goes, at least history could aid us in the process in a way.

When the Roman Empire and Catholicism were at its peak, people think that it was good for the world because it allowed European influence to spread as well. It was way for the world to undertand a common language. The Europeans introduced their culture and language, which is now viewed as beneficial to the world economy and international affairs. This is a realization of today, but those who were subjected under European rule, never would think of this. They were not just subjects, they were servants, slaves, inferiors and dumb subjects, while the Europeans were the best. Now, when could we say history was right in judging European rule and influence was indeed justifiable as of today, inspite of the astrocities they committed and inspired thereafter?

No matter what happens or happened, a change has occurred. Sometimes people have an influence of the development of the events, but most of the time, no one has the control. That makes change a problem. No one wants it, because no one could manipulate it for its own benefit. History, on the other hand is a description of what has happened, a changed therefore has already been in place. It maybe ongoing, temporary or permanent. However, the fact still remains, the predictability of events is still low. No one knows what will further happen. The easiest thing to do is to examine what has transpired to prevent those perceived mistakes from happening again. Our duty is just to adjust on the situation based on history. Indeed, history can only tell.


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