The Colors of My Niece Juyen

Today, we are celebrating the eleventh birthday of my niece. Time flies so much. It seemed that it was just recently that I got to know that my sister, her mom got pregnant. I was worried by then, but I was excited how my niece became a tough and quite learned individual. I had a hard time describing my niece, so I thought of using the different colors to sum up every learning we got from my niece, our advices to her as she approaches her teen years, and everything that concerns her and makes her busy.


I am guessing this is her favorite color, because she is fond of selecting or preferring objects of this color. Although my sister want red or pink for my niece, I agree personally that blue is indeed a good color. It symbolizes peace and tranquility. In connection to this, I hope my niece will eventually understand in depth and its real breadth the things within the family that for certain bothers her. It will take time for her comprehens why things are such, and why what she wants could not be done. There are limitations in life, and that everyone must learn to accept with a humble heart that what matters is not what hinders us, but what we can do beyond what we are not capable of.


The color of passion and love. I can see that my niece is developing interest on communication, leadership, electronic gadgets, science and math. Well, that is quite different from my interests, and I understand that my niece felt pressured because she is my niece, such that she must perform well in school, given that some of her school administrators know me personally as their scholar way back in college. A great reminder would be for us to passionate about what we love doing, without thinking of what others will say about it. One must do what he or she wants as long as it is beneficial for oneself and will make others happy. May my niece continue to enhance her knowledge and nurture her skills to better in them.


Happiness and light are symbolized in this color. The last time I bonded well with my niece was last 2015. We went to Cebu, with my grandfather. I made plans and even bought tickets this year for her to come to Norway, but it did not push through. I remember she was fond of toys, shoes and gadgets. Her wants have changed significantly in two years but I see no problem with that for now. She must realize that material things are sources of happiness. They could make one less bored that does not give meaning to the world we live in. It is rather using ourselves to be of help to others, like shining as a light for them to see. I hope my niece would be a light for others and especially to my nephew, Francis.


The color of growth and nourishment. My niece is approaching her teen years. There are things that for certain will make her confused and anxious, but I hope she will take it easy and continue to nurture an open communication with us. There is nothing to hide, because what it is, in time, we will eventually know it. Tell us what is it that bothers, so that we can guide all the way. We are here not to hinder you from anything, we are hear to listen to whatever it is. I hope she will keep an open mind that what we do is for her betterment, and not the other way around.


Energy, youth and warmth are what stands for the color orange. The warmth of our care to my niece may be seen as inexistent, but we truly care. The distance and the time that separated us here in Norway and our families in our home country make it impossible to express care sufficiently and give our utmost attention. Sometimes, it is the thought that counts, but when absence is prolonged, the more it is difficult to do something. Given that I and my sister are both OFWs, it is necessary for us to reassure my niece that the warmth of caring has never faded, it is there always and it will stay there as long as we are living.


This is the color of grace and nobility. This is quite irrelevant for my niece, but not entirely. My niece has not yet learned to cope better in stressful situations. She either keeps quiet and sometimes childish. That is perhaps expected of her age, but age is not a factor to achieve nobility in achieving. Recently, my niece won medals in journalism. It feels surreal accordimg to my niece. I know that was just a beginning. May she continue to achieve more so she builds more confidence to herself and everything she has the capacity for.


This signifies simplicity and humility. Just like our family's humble beginnings, everything starts from scratch. This is what my niece saw and experienced. We may be in a better situation currently but our feet stays still on the ground. I remember my grandfather saying to me to take calculated risks and never to engage in a battle that you certainly know that success is not on one's side. Do whatever you think you are capable of, but be meek in admitting that sometimes things go against what is planned and expected. One must do his or her best. If one fails, just stand up and move on. If one succeeds, set another higher goal ti achieve, not an ambitious one, but realistic.


This color provides structure and formality. I know it is still complicated for my niece to discern what is right from wrong, especially when the situation gets complex. I know my niece have that feeling of complexity. It is not an ideal for her to live with her maternal grandparents, but I personally believe that is the best option available as of now. We want my niece to see life's complexity and learn from it. People vary, not just judged as black and white. This variation will make things exciting and interesting. However, one must remember that one should know his or her limits as to what is perceived tolerable and not acceptable for the society.

Lastly, whatever color my niece likes, whatever her preferences are, we are here for her. It may not be always I can communicate with her, but I want her to know that I am just one Facebook message away. Everything I do here in Norway is not just for myself, but the big part of it is for niece and nephew. They will reap whatever we have sown. We will not force them to be here, but we will give them good options to choose from. If my niece decides to be here, everything will be laid for her, so it will be less difficult for her to start anew, but if she decides to remain in the Philippines, so be it. We will continue to support her no matter what, because we truly care and love her.

Happy Birthday Juyen. May God bless you always!


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