Everything Takes Time
Patience is a virtue I learned most since I had decided to live in Norway. To wait is something I did not like before. Today, sometimes I see the advantage of waiting, deliberately delaying things or perhaps unintentionally making mistakes that results for processes to take time. This is a contrast to what I have experienced in the Philippines, my home country where life's tempo is way much faster than that of in this Scandinavian land. In this blogpost, I will attempt to shed light on five perspectives why everything takes time.
To wait for something better to happen.
There is always something better. If one does not work, there is always an opportunity to find something better. What maybe the best thing to do today, may not be the best approach for the same problem or situation. It is usual that delays occur. However, a person with grit personality learn to set the brakes on to see a better view of the things passing or events happening.
To take time to avoid mistakes.
A person in haste is like a machine doing a preprogrammed task effectively and repeatedly. This means that a person who could a task faster is a person who already experienced the same task before. Therefore, if the situation is new, take time and never haste. The most productive individual knows when to set the pace faster or slower, depending on the situation and its conditions.
To delay to facilitate the better opportunities to come in right time.
Life is about setting priorities. One should distinguish the more important things from those that are not. The goal is life is not to accomplish the most tasks, instead it is to learn to determine what matters most. If one fails, then priorities must reevaluated and use time to ensure those priorities could be done in the right time to maximize its advantages.
To allow time to pass to think clearly and decide more prudently.
Reflection needs time, which is crucial element for decision-making. There are ofcourse decisions that are to be decided fast, but that does not eliminate the need to take time when it is needed. It is better to take a reasonable amount of time to sort out things clearly before deciding than regretting a wrong decision made hastily.
To give leeway to oneself to make mistakes and learn
Not all of us are perfect. We can commit mistakes for us to learn from. Mistakes and failures take time. It is therefore necessary for one to allot time for possible mistakes. This time will be used as a pause before making the next step after a mistake. It is not recommended therefore to rectify mistakes as soon as possible even without carefully thinking for the next step. This avoids further mistakes and optimize one's use of time.
In a general perspective, waiting is still a boring thing to do. Sometimes, one feels hopeless and worse, one becomes depressed in the process. Nothing can justify the perceived waste of time and resources of waiting. However, everything depends on how we see things. If waiting is perceived a scheduled event or plan, then people may see waiting as an opportunity to do other things that may have been ignored for awhile. Yes, time is a non-renewable resources. It can be used up. Opportunities maybe gone through wasted time, but there is an unlimited ways one could use time for. If one plan is not possible as of now, wait and see the next tasks on the list. Do it. Be productive because waiting assures one accomplishes at least two things, rather than waiting for one.
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