Priorities Change Overtime

Change is indeed the only constant in this world. Although not all of us are open to adapt to change, it happens continuously as if no one could control the change that is either happening in us or the environment surrounding us. With this stream of uncontrollable change is the changes on how we see our lives, and what values are more important to us, as we learn lessons from our experiences, which are brought about by these changes. We change and so our priorities as well.

However, there are many things that should be put into consideration when one changes priorities. What happens to the old list of priorities? Are they simply replaced, or merely set aside? What does this change do to us in the long run? And are there instances when changes in setting priorities could be wrong or have gone to much? These questions will this blogpost attempt to shed light on.

Change is not irreversible. Unlike butterflies, which can never go back to being cocoons, the change in our priorities is unlike the physical changes we see in animals or even human beings. One could go back to an earlier point in time when one has a different point of view and set of priorities. This makes changes in our priorities fluid and flexible. If one thing is perceived unimportant today, that will just be stored in a way in our subconsciousness, not entirely forgotten. Priorities are not replaced or removed, but just stacked over one another. One see only the priorities stacked topmost, feels the burden of the pile and attempts to rearrange them in different order from time to time.

Life is simply amazing. The longer we live, the more experiences we gain, the stack of priorities increased, the more we feel we need to take responsibility in setting direction on our lives by going over our priorities. Unfortunately, the burden of priorities makes life difficult for some to carry, but the question lies not on the burden, but the strength of our character. As the burden of priorities is stacked and pressed down against us, there is a necessity for us to cope better and be wiser. The burden does not diminished, but the upward force carrying the burden should strengthened to effectively carry the load. If one eventually falters in carrying the burden, ask help to lift some load for one until gaining balance and posture, enough to carry the burden again.

Setting priorities requires therefore some sort of caution and prudence. Just like a stack of paper, if one moves them too often, there is a risk that it topples down, destroying order in them. However, an individual could be too clumsy to rearrange and change priorities too often. The frequency of change may not be necessary. As a result, people make wrong decisions, because one could not get the right perspective to assess and solve a certain situation. This is the reason why people commit mistakes for as human beings we utilize trial-and-error method in determining when to change and when not to.

There is no exact standard for it is subjective from one person to another. Because of this in the long run, these mistakes could either make or break an individual. If mistakes are not seen constructively, people will just be afraid and anxious to even set new priorities or change them according to new situations. That fear will even lead to more mistakes, and the negative cycle just repeats itself. However, when one is sensitive and open to change, one could be wise enough to distinguish when change is needed or not. Eventually, one becomes not just wise, but also flexible, sensitive and at least effective.

Changing priorities too often or unnecessarily is not automatically incorrect, because it is ny nature, using trial-and-error method. What is wrong is not making the change needed in a situation. That is the most certain of all. Not doing something is incorrect, when there is a need for it. There is no excessive change, there are only temporary intolerable change and weak characters. What we could not tolerate today requires just time to be tolerable, but it takes courage to strengthen our characters, and be resilient, especially when changing priorities have gone wrong or did not yield anything significant. Start anew and change priorities as if no mistake has been done before.


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