Microscopic Tweaks of 2024: A Recap

Ah, the annual tradition of looking back at the whirlwind that was yet another year—2024. A solid 366 days of experiences, revelations, and "tiny wins" that are supposedly turning me into a better version of myself. Or so I hope. Here’s my gloriously minuscule progress:

1. Books Read: 20

Yes, I joined the bookworm elite this year. My top picks include Start with Why by Simon Sinek (because clearly, I needed a reason), Happy Sexy Millionaire by Steven Bartlett (spoiler: I am none of these), and the timeless Atomic Habits by James Clear—because nothing screams "growth" like habitually reading about habits.

2. Gym: 118 Visits

Originally, the plan was weight loss. Surprise twist: my weight stayed put, but hey, I can now bench press my feelings. Strength over skinny, right? Sure. Let’s go with that.

3. French 101, Seriously This Time

After a long hiatus of dabbling in French (read: Googling how to say croissant), I finally committed this year. I started with it in 2021, but stopped and never made progress. Oui, progress est réel. Merci for noticing.

4. Dating: Dipped My Toes Back In

This was the year I cautiously entered the dating pool again—because why not? Results: I’m now in a relationship. Do I have my life together yet? Nope. But here’s to pretending I do in 2025!

5. 10 Countries Visited

Visited 10 countries, including Morocco, the USA, and Canada for the first time. I visited Spain, Portugal, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Sweden and United Kingdom again. Plus, I dragged my niece along. Who knew traveling with family could be both delightful and slightly nerve-wracking?

6. Less Work, More Sleep

I said goodbye to my nursing home gig and embraced the chaos of a substance abuse clinic. Fewer hours, better sleep, and a crash course in human complexity. Win-win, I guess.

7. Work Hard, Invest Harder

Hit my income goals, invested more, and managed to actually enjoy my job. Who knew personal growth could come with a decent paycheck?

8. Summer Olympics & Other Firsts

Saw the Paris Olympics live! Also watched some theater and took a memorable trip with Juyen. It’s been a year of crossing off bucket list items.

9. Mental Health: Fan of Therapy

Even though I’m technically “fine,” I’ve stuck with therapy because, frankly, who doesn’t need a sounding board these days? Two years ago, I was not really feeling well, and a lot has happened in my personal life. I went to therapy, and even there is no reason for me to continue, I still do therapy. It is something I want to pursue in the future.

10. Authenticity Countdown

Less than 1000 days till I hit 40. The mantra? “Stop the BS, be true to yourself.” Because if not now, when?

Ofcourse, I have some points to improve in the coming new year. Well, in 2025, I aim to:

1. Read at least 21 books. (A real stretch.)
2. Hit the gym even more—because gains are addictive.
3. Actually try harder at relationships.
4. Explore even quirkier corners of the world.
5. Earn 5% more while magically working less.
6. Strive to invest more like a stock market wizard.
7. Become conversational in French and Spanish.
8. Cut expenses by a whopping 2% (don’t hold your breath).
9. Travel with family more often
10. Look and feel fabulous (because, duh).

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither am I. 2024 was all about atomic changes—because stagnation is so last season. Here’s to marginally leveling up in 2025. Cheers!


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