Need of Peace of Mind
There is a point in our life when
we meet several crossroads that force us to decide on matters we do not fully
understand or expect. Worse, when these crossroads involve people and
consequences that are totally out of our control. This results us to think so much
and lose our peace of mind.
Peace of mind is a state of
contentment and less anxiety. It does not guarantee certainty, but it
characterizes acceptance of what may happen in the future, regardless of how it
may affect a person. Peace of mind is attained as a sum of all experiences one
have, either controllable or not. Thus, it is difficult to achieve, if the
person is confronted so many uncertainties in various aspects of life, may it
be family-related, relationships, career and self-worth.
This is what I feel right now. It
would seem that every aspect of my life has challenges ahead. Although I
consider myself as an optimist, but my coping skills seem to reach its
limitation, as various things are happening simultaneously in a very short
time. Perhaps I am no longer used to it, or maybe I have made the decision not
to stress myself so much, such that when the time I am presented with uncertainties
from multitude of sources, I am no longer prepared to handle it properly. Thus,
now the state of peace seems to be elusive for me.
The good thing is I know there
are solutions to my problems. As long as solutions are identified to problems,
one must never lose hope. However, one must acknowledge that as one is
encountering different problems, one loses his or her capacity to discern the
best solutions to problems. This thought itself makes me more anxious. As a
chronic planner myself, I do not want that objectivity in handling situation weakens, as controlling everything is my way of coping. For the time being, I trust
the way I deal with stress and I think I am handling it sufficiently. However,
I do not know if this would continue still in the near future.
Luckily, I still have my family
and friends believing in me. Perhaps, this is the best gift I have in the yuletide
season. I am with the individuals, who have the strongest faith on me and knew
me well. This provides relief. However, given that I only have a vacation in a
short period of time, these individuals will never understand fully what I am
going through, especially the problems are linked to situations and events that
happened in a foreign land. I hope they do understand, but I know even how much
I try they will never fathom the depth of the problem, as expectations have
changed during the period I was gone from home.
This is perhaps the reason why I
cannot explain how I feel before coming back to my home country. It feels
strange. I am no longer certain whether situations have changed, or I was the
one who changed. Whether the change was for the better or worse, certainly
change is something that involves adaptation and coping. Moreover, I fully
understand myself, but the anxiety lies on the fact that people may not
understand me fully, especially those who I expect to do so. This is perhaps the
change I am not used to.
Now do I have to search for peace
of mind? I know I do not have to. The only thing I have to do is live today.
Peace of mind, is a question of what will happen in the future. It is an
anxiety brought about by the events that has not happened yet. Although part of
the problem is the change that is happening at present, but this feeling of
uncertainty is due to thinking of what may happen. I know I cannot control the
future. Instead, I just have to decide living today. Regardless of what the
problem will be, I still have today to live. Perhaps thinking of today could
ease the anxiety and attain peace of mind today. :-)
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