Comparing Oneself to Others

Have you heard the statement, "I am simply not enough"? I have heard this many times and have been bothered by it; such that I kept looking for answers what lead people to think that way. Then, I realized that many of mankind's insecurity problems are rooted from unnecessarily comparing oneself to others.

The purpose of this blogpost is to shed light on the effects of trying to pattern one's life from the life of others through comparing and fitting simultaneously. I mean comparing by looking unto what others have and achieved and thereafter directly or indirectly making other's traits one's own standards or goal. On the other hand, fitting refers to one's attempt to do everything to be the person one thinks he or she needs to be based on what one saw from others.

Comparing oneself to others leads to loss of self-worth.

When one sees a single diamond, he or she appreciates the beauty of the facets and brilliance of the diamond. However, put the same diamond in a cluster of the same kind of diamond, then that single diamond becomes a part and ordinary like the others. In the same way, when people compares himself or herself, he or she loses his uniqueness and individuality. The comparison gives the safe feeling of being like the others, but in reality nurtures the belief of conforming of what the society dictates, losing one's self-worth.

Comparing oneself to others leads to limited opportunities.

Our greatest competitor must be ourselves. This has always the jargon of the best athletes and competitors in the world. Perhaps, there was a time when these individuals tried to compare and fit with what others believe they should be. However, they have come to the realization that genuine achievements will never be reached, once we never detach ourselves from social norms. Thereby, what others achieve is theirs and what one achieves is his or hers. It is equally important with that of others, regardless of how others see it.

Comparing oneself to others is the beginning of a bigger problem in the society.

Presumably, all social issues start with the individuals themselves comprising the society. Man's nature to compare with, fit with and outwit others has ripple effect on the society as a whole. People tends to focus on materialism and achievements in judging success, instead of happiness. In the long run, a society is built on incorrect values; such that its members are confused by themselves on what they really want and achieve. Thereafter, the society becomes chaotic and worthless.

Bottomline, an individual's success is not measured by how far he or she is from his or her counterparts. The real barometer is the happiness and fulfillment in one's success; being a living evidence of hardwork and determination, unaffected of what others think and say. Thus, everyone must stop thinking he or she is not enough for it is only our thoughts that made us believe this. In reality, anyone is sufficiently capable to be who he or she wants to be.


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