Look North: A Birthday Poem For My Sister

This is quite strange to celebrate your birthday on different cities on the same country. Perhaps, this could be true in other occasions as well. However, today (February 11) marks your 32nd birthday, and this is the third consecutive year I am writing on your birthday on my blog. However, due to the odd circumstances we are currently in, I will be writing a poem for you this time.

Weeks ago you made a decision to go north
It was unforgettable travel for me back and forth
I was anxious for reasons I honestly do not know
Optimistic it'll be worth it, only the future will show

The world is full of hard challenges and surprises
But there is still optimism anywhere as hope arises
However, we just need to believe, all turns out well
That is life we live and describe it in a nutshell.

You might feel fear and uncertain sometimes
Those are just tests, normal ofcourse at times.
This is just a start in a seemingly isolated place
But you will eventually cope well with grace.

However, remember I am just a call away.
If I need to fly urgently, I'd do that at any day.
Like old times, we talk and eat mood-depending
Laugh, make fun day until midnight like no ending.

Weird, after you left and I took over your room
I cried and immediately was covered by gloom
Everything I did was not enough for you stay.
If I'd done more but those are just if, if I may say

Yes this is the reality, just short and temporary
Hard to carry but there're still reasons to merry.
We all have the time ahead to be together again.
That time, lost are those in vain, thus both of us gain.

You keep saying you are old and getting older
Isn't that fine, also a sign that you becoming bolder?
Happier, wiser, stronger and woman of action
Those you're going to be, all at your satisfaction.

Today is your birthday and we should be glad
Though there're memories that makes both of us mad
Stand up, forget and brush them off, move on
Believe there are more chances. Just hold on.

Like a boat that traverses a perilous sea.
A brave captain never fears, that you need to be.
When you falter, like a bamboo spring back.
Need help? Remember, I am always at your back.

I  miss you so much, never did I had felt this before
Everything here reminds me of you, indoor or outdoor
The places we eat, the irritating voice that screams
But do not worry, I will be okay and better. It seems.

I am just thinking, there up north. There is chance.
For your patience, endurance and courage to enhance.
That is something you need to learn perhaps.
So you would further avoid the same deviant lapse.

Take one day at a time, one step over the other.
Remember, you have your ever supporting brother.
Few hundreds of kilometers physically away from you
But will always be there supporting and loving you.

Happy Birthday. From your not-so little brother, Pablo.


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