The Crossing Point

This is it. The point where everything is decided on which way one would go further in the future. Ofcourse, one is hoping things are going to be what is the best for all, but the chances for the opposite side is also significant. This is the crossing point of one's life. Everything after this will change according to what happens in this point. Everyone surrounding one will change depending on the way events will unfold. The moment everything is known, this will just go as it is. As planned in either ways, things will go as it should be. However, everything is still related to this point.

Ambivalence grows further

When one knows something will change. One would normally not want things to change from the status quo. Everyone wants to do the same thing as before, not expecting any surprises along the way. Some people cope better after-the-fact than others, but no one is ever prepared to handle the period before the change. The calm before the storm or the gut feeling before the surprise are some of its descriptions. One is torn between believing between the best and worst alternatives, worse when the two alternatives lie extremely on the opposite sides of the coin. If one could just turn the pages of time to accelerate seconds to minutes and minutes to hours, the uncertainty associated with ambivalence will definitely fade. However, the fact remains one has to wait, and it is only patience, which is the only applicable virtue in times of ambivalence.

The desire to know more.

Ignorance sometimes helps. It is actually a key for some to be happy. One needs not to know everything to enjoy the things one appreciates. It is actually advantageous at times to play dumb, naive or ignorant, but not when one anticipates a crossing point in one's life. The anxiety builds up, as the desire to know more increases. However, getting facts is not as simple as we think in these crucial periods. People around and involved with the crossing point deal with facts differently when confronted with stress. It is sometimes beneficial for them to ignore the fact, or simply tell lies about it to cover up what seems to be plaguing them. This counters however the strong need for concrete realiable information to get through the difficult time before a crossing point. This period is a testament that facts are everywhere, but sometimes they come irelevantly, scarcely, insufficiently and satisfyingly.

Eveything revolves around acceptance.

Ofcourse, the crossing point in either ways with positive or negative effects would require acceptance for change. It is so called a deciding important life point because there is an anticipated loss in either ways. There is no perfect solutions, just plain probabilities, which are all immensely bringing forth change within a person and the people around the individual. This change in whichever ways will require acceptance. Acceptance that is a result of effective coping mechanism by the involved person and their significant others, is needed. When one accepts the new reality after the crossing point, one must accept it entirely without conditions or animosity. Everything happened because it is the result of previous actions and decisions. No one could ever change what happened, but moving forward from that crossing point spells the difference between a happy person thereafter or not.

No one exempted with the experience of major crossing points. These situations are not just transition periods, or abrupt changes in the environment. They are actually a period of metamorphosis, initiating a major overhaul of an individual's mind, body and spirit. No one could guarantee a person handles everything well, but everyone could just wish the best, give support in whatever means and be open to whatever reality the new situation brings. Lastly, the involved person's obligation on this crossing points lies most unto himself or herself. No one else. The change will happen most within self, and the most helpful person who could help him or her is also oneself.


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